Happy Thursday MTG peeps,
Tonight being Thursday, our local gaming store (OMG! Games), here in Barrie, Ontario is running their regular EDH / commander evening. We might actually have a slim chance to get out, but only if all the stars align and we get some unfinished work done. Today over on the mothersite, there was some very decent articles. Mike Flores addresses some of the top builds in today's Standard constructed while Jacob Van Lumen covered off some of the more prominent decks for Modern format. If you have some lists you are still working on and need to get a few outstanding card, drop by and see our friends at CCG House who are running some decent Holiday specials.
Anywhoos, onto today's MTG Realm post - it's Tumblr Time! This is where we pull our posts from our sister site, MTG Realm on Tumblr and give you a fast forward to some the select content we've posted there for the last week. Let's go . . .

My cat Ernie, whose favorite game is Fetch the Magic card.> This is awesome. There is a witty line to be had here like ‘Cat Fetch-land’ or something but unfortunately, I am desperately un-caffeinated at the moment.
He likes them more than fetching catnip mice, and I don’t know how to feel about that.

This is made me LOL most heartedly.
(Source: mtgworld)
~ (Source: mtgworld)
November 28, 2012
Magic: the Gathering
Break ‘n’ Enter & Theft at the Crazy Squirrel Game Store in Fresno, CA. Windows smashed on Monday (26th) and MTG cards stolen. Windows smashed AGAIN last night (Wednesday 28th) but the thieves were scarred off by the alarm. If you know these arse-clowns may be, contact Jennifer at the store.
I’ll post any updates to the story on my website or here on Tumblr.
Break ‘n’ Enter & Theft at the Crazy Squirrel Game Store in Fresno, CA. Windows smashed on Monday (26th) and MTG cards stolen. Windows smashed AGAIN last night (Wednesday 28th) but the thieves were scarred off by the alarm. If you know these arse-clowns may be, contact Jennifer at the store.
I’ll post any updates to the story on my website or here on Tumblr.
November 28, 2012
Magic: the Gathering
We’re looking to build our very first Modern format 60-card pile. One of the least expensive decks we’ve looked at is Modern Soul Sisters which provides quite a few things we like - white weenies, life gain, and a can of whoopass. Here’s the deck list we are beginning with.

Magic: the Gathering Art
Ermahgerd !! - John Avon Art !
Ermahgerd !! - John Avon Art !

Magic: the Gathering CosPlay
Ima gonna need new specs cuz I’m seeing double.
Great Liliana costume !
Ima gonna need new specs cuz I’m seeing double.
Great Liliana costume !
Magic: the Gathering
We are expecting Merfolk in the next set, Gatecrash, like the Simic Guild Master ‘Prime Speaker Zegana’. Perhaps I won’t trade away M13’s Merfolk Lord, Master of Pearl Trident just yet.
~We are expecting Merfolk in the next set, Gatecrash, like the Simic Guild Master ‘Prime Speaker Zegana’. Perhaps I won’t trade away M13’s Merfolk Lord, Master of Pearl Trident just yet.

Magic: the Gathering arts
Beautiful work by jiekai who made an Origami five intersecting tetrahedra.
sooo $lick !
~Beautiful work by jiekai who made an Origami five intersecting tetrahedra.
sooo $lick !

Vending machine with dark explorers packs at Bell Book and Comic in Dayton, OHVery cool - I know MTG packs have been in vending machines in Europe for a while, just glad to start seeing them now in the Colonies. If this were in my place of work, I would be (A) Broke, and (B) get no work done.