TV, a Sale, a Chair, an Illustration, a Lamp, a Rug and a Porch

Good morning friends.

Today is sort of a large one for me because my first segment as a 'design expert' will be airing on...


I'm a little scared to death that my increasingly ginormous baby bump is going to make me look like a mac truck...also slightly concerned about the whole 'hearing yourself on the answering machine' sort of phenomenon.

But...mostly VERY excited.

I put together two vignettes I'm pretty proud of, both of which show peeps how to incorporate pink into their homes....sooooooo....if you want to see a live action tour of #projectscarlett, along with this sort of thing brought to life...

...tune into CBC at 2pm EST.

And if you miss it for some crazy reason, you can watch later on their website by clicking here.

And speaking of Steven and Chris, I was more than a little honoured when the amazingly talented designer/upholstering genius Andrea Ford, decided to use my 'Genevieve' as part of her vignette...

Seeing my art on TV...well, that just made my week to be sure.

Ps, if you would like to own Genevieve, or any other painting in my shop for that matter, I'm having a...

*****25% of EVERYTHING*******

And buy that pink art up:)

 Pss, if you happen to be in the GTA, Ms Ford is showcasing some of her incredible upholstered pieces at the One of a Kind Show, including this chair that I'm literally DYING to own...

Isn't she purdy?

And speaking of lovely stuff, the most talented Eleni from 
the newly named (previously Shop Around the Corner)...

...painted and sent me this original just because...

Isn't it just so damn gorgeous?

I can't farking wait to get it framed and hung.

A HUGE thank you to Ms. Eleni for always being so infinitely sweet/generous.

And since we're talking about prezzies, Home Depot was kind enough to send me over this lamp goodness to review...

Liking it beaucoup.

And speaking of like...not much I love more than a great saleio...thanks to the folks over at RugsUSA, #projectlittlemiss just picked up this pretty... 6x9/ 100% wool form for literally $145 bones.

How much do I love 75% off sales...that would be A- LOT.

Good news...the extended the savings for a day so if  you're in the market for a rug, hurry on over.

And last but not least, I got my holiday spirit on over the weekend and got some outside decorating done...

Dogs in pink bows make me happy.

Later cheese noodles.
