Apartment Therapy, Bangs and Christmification

Good Monday people.

A few things of interest to share today.

1. So excited to see a feature on Malcolm's 'Fit for a Gentlemen' room in Apartment Therapy over the weekend...


{and PS, that was the one and only time the kid's hair looked quite like Edward Scissorhands got hold of it...a silly attempt at shortening his locks, which will not be repeated again;}

I did this room on a budget and am mostly very happy with the way it turned out.

The dresser above is an IKEA hack, as is the painting.

Everything else in there is either re-used from another space in our house or an antique/vintage find.

I plan on hanging some Paul Loebach Yee-haw wallpaper up in there, just to finish it off but for now, 'tis done;)

To see more of the tour, clickski HERE.

And PS, thank you over here for always being the most positive commenters ever...it seems as though some AT readers aren't always so kind...there were a couple of people over there who apparently thought the blown up poster of him was narcissistic ..like I put it there as some kind of platitude shrine...stupid, stupid/missing the point entirely but whateves...you can't please everyone as they say:)

Anyhoo...a HUGE thank you to my friend Elisabeth over at  
You Can't Call It "It" for putting this story together...looooooveeed it!

2. I got bangs over the weekend- needed a change...also toned down the fuchsia  ends and chopped about 4" off...the result is this...

a. sidenote - yes, my belly is HUGE...I checked back at my previous baby books and this little dude is making my stomach a full 4" larger than it was at this time with either of my other pregnancies...not quite sure what the heck it's going to look like in 14 weeks- yikes.

b. bangs+a few hightlights+pink tone-down=bottom is now a subtle pinky/lilac...overall, it sort of resembles this...

Pink tips

...only the bottom is sort of a mix between the above and this colour...

lilac tips

VERY happy...feeling much less like a 10 year old who dipped her hair in Kook-Aid.

3. I spent the day yesterday injecting some Christmas spirit into the house.

The story for this year is little hits of yuletide fun in tones of pink, gold and black...

I still have the kitchen, mantle and staircase to get done, along with helping the kids get their upstairs tree finito so lots more to come.

And with that, I'll sign off for now.

We were out late last night at a bowling party with the kids and I'm running off again this early this morning for a shoot with the redhead so busy, busy.

Make sure you check back tomorrow though...the holiday giveaways continue and I've got a fabulouso one starting up.
