Sponsor Welcome- Candy Shop Vintage...and an AMAZING Nursery

Morning love nuts.

I'm SO happy to be able to introduce you to my newest sponsor today.

Please welcome the amazing...

Candy Shop Vintage

...a store packed to the brim with absolutely delightful vintage jewelry...

...that looks like this...

...and is full of this...

So lovely.

You can see more of the amazing selection HERE and be sure to follow Candy Shop Vintage on Twitter and/or Facebook while you're at it...you wouldn't want to miss sale updates etc.;)

Oh and while you're at it, you're probably going to want to go ahead and follow the Candy Shop Vintage blog as well...I know for sure you're going to want to keep up with all things CSV...like this post for example...

Yup...one of our favourite nurseries of all time belongs to none other than the daughter of Ms Candy Shop Vintage.

Anyone who can curate vintage jewelry and put a nursery like that together is most definitely a friend of mine.

Enjoy your weekend friends and remember...even if you were lucky enough to find some baubles under the tree this year, there's always room for more;)
