Updates - #projectlittlemiss #projectdining

I was set to show you my first of maybe one gift guide today...aka, the stuff I want for Christmas...but then I went and left my computer bag in my friend's car so that board will have to wait.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share some little updates on the design projects I'm currently working on.

1. #projectlittlemiss

We've made HUGE strides this week because after a sort of drawn out search for someone to actually get the wallpaper installed, my clients found a guy and the stuff is finally going up...

I can't really begin to tell you how happy this makes me.

Jumping up and down I am.

The paper is slated to be done today and then we can move on to actually putting the room together.

As of now, all the furniture has arrived, with the exception of the vanity we're having painted
 (PS/sidenote...take some advice from me and don't EVER sell your kid's vanity on Craiglist and not tell them until 30 minutes before the person is coming over to pick it up- LARGE mistake), the chandelier and the rug...all on their way.

As well, we're just about to have the balloon shade and closet panels made in the Schumacher aqua loveliness...I'm hoping for this sort of effect...

Balloon Shades in a Lil Gal's Blue Bedroom

And once all that is done, all we have left is the custom shelving in the closet (just wait until  you see what's going down on that front...glorious) and the birdcage paint decision...still up on the air on that one.

Hoping we're going to get it all wrapped up before Christmas so stay tuned.

2. #projectdining

Me and my fabulous client, who PS shares my love for quirky things, Craigslist, gold and vintage lighting so I LOVE her, are getting close to having her dining area all sorted out.

The amazing gold and grey chairs arrived, as did this antique dining table that she found on her own...

LOVE it's shape and how contrasty it's going to be with the chairs.

Awesome client has also organized the sheer curtain panels that will cover the horeshoe bank of windows behind the table.

And after an EXHAUSTIVE search...one I can only really compare to the lighting saga that was #pkg...me and her have finally found a kitchen/adjoining dining room solution that does two very important things...

a. gives enough light
b. looks pretty

As you know, I'm much more a form person so the function part snagged me a bit- ha!

To be quick, my client currently has one of those bendy track lights in the kitchen, along with a pendant over the sink so we needed to find something to take the track's place, while still shooting off enough light...since it's in the middle of the ceiling with nothing below it, the things pretty much had to be a flushmount.  In addition, we needed to find a complimentary pendant and chandy for over the table.

I think we might have gone through 100 or so combos, which all mixed vintage and new lighting...some looked like this...

...and there were more...many, many more:)

But...none were exactly perfect and believe you me, I know what's it like to want to find the perfect lights.

So...we kept looking and then, client awesome stumbled upon this Craiglist beauty for over the table...

...for $100 bones...that's right folks.

And I discovered this 6 light ebay heaven for the track spot...

...and well, both of our collective hearts skipped a large beat.

I put together the two lights, along with one for over the sink...

...and proceed to do a large happy dance.

Hitch...ebay find was not loved by hubby and was slightly over budget.

I cried.

Thankfully, my resourceful client found a more money friendly alternative that works like honey...

...in terms of look, money and utility.

Me + client = joy shakers.

So...lighting is officially sorted, which just leaves the accessories...I sent off a long list of goodies last night and will show you all that we picked soonly.

And with that, I'll sign off for now.

Don't forget to enter the Roisin Reilly original art giveaway if you haven't already...draw happens tomorrow.
