Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,
We've not had a Tumblr Tuesday for quite some time here due to all the Gatecrash spoilers and previews pouring in. Let's remedy this most grievous condition now and bring you up to speed as to what's been happening our our sister site, MTG Realm on Tumblr . . .
Domri Rade is a planeswalker aligned with the Gruul clans, specializing in summoning creatures and unleashing them unto his foes. Most Planeswalkers have their spark ignited as the result of a great crisis or trauma, but every awakening is different. A near-death experience might ignite a Planeswalker’s spark, but so could a sudden, life-changing epiphany or a meditative trance that enables the mage’s grasp of some transcendent truth.
YOUR ASSIGNMENT : Make a short story (funnier the better) - How did Domri Rade’s planeswalker spark ignite ?