Another New Project, Along with Some Updates

I'm sorry for the no go post yesterday...I was volunteering in my son's classroom bright and early and ended up being faced with errands that kept me out from 8 am - 5 pm...can we say tired preggers woman much...seriously thought my lady parts were going to fall out by the end of it.

Moving on.

Today is my hoobsters birthday.

If he's reading this....a very...

1940's happy birthday photo you to the moon my sweets.

In other news, my bathroom got ripped out last night- very exciting.

I also brought in my neighbour, who just happens to be a very talented architect (PS, if you live in the GTA, you NEED to hire Wallace me if you'd like his contact info) to discuss some layout options and we have some very exciting plans.

Things like this are likely going to happen....

...large table for crafting/homeworking...and black shelves...

...a built in daybed in the bedroom...

...though it will be this guy...

...also, black ceilings (maybe)...

...a swing... duct work in either black...

...or white (leaning white)...

...more swings and maybe fun ball lights...

...steel windows as room dividers...

...panelling mixed with modern furniture/lighting....

...hanging IKEA glossy storage cabinets alongside antique stuff...

Or some combination of all of the above:)

I hope.

Most will depend on budget of course but in any event, it will be quite the transformation.


What else can I tell you...

Oh...I picked up another new e-design client.

We'll call this one #projectboudoir.

I've been given the task of putting together a pink and white bedroom with no antiques and no you can imagine, the 'no tenants' were/are a little challenging for yours truly but I did manage to come up with this initial idea board... you can see, I tried to sneak in just a tiny bit of gold with the screen but it got nixed so a white lacquered one has been put in its place.

As for my other projects...


Our tea cups....

...and coffee pot set...
...have arrived.

And now the tray hunt begins...we've narrowed it to this beaty from Biscuit...

...or this guy from Tilly Maison...

Choose Your Color Midi Lucite Tray - Gold Frame Border

What else?


We might be subbing in a new sofa and coffee table...a Jonathan Adler Templeton and Platner table might just be available for a supercalafragalistic price so both are proving to be very tempting...

Goodness all around.

And I think that's all for now.

Make sure you check back tomorrow for some more nursery goodness...I've got two boards happening tomorrow from one ridiculously talented designer so yes...something you must see.

Almost Valentine's hearts and kisses.
