Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Amanda of Recycled Consign and Design...and Some Photography

Hi readers.

It's Thursday, which of course means...



I've got a jam packed day lined up (more on that below,) so let's get right to it shall we?

Today, I'm tickled to have one of my oldest and dearest blogging buddies here...the super lovely Amanda of...

{re}cycled consign and design

I know I don't have to tell you how fabulous this lady is...I've met Amanda in person a couple of times and am always so happy to be in her company...she's uber talented and ridiculously sweet to boot.

Of course, she also has mad design skills...her feminine/eclectic style that incorporates buckets of vintage yumminess is so very up my alley...I knew her ideas for my nursery would be heavenly and as you will soon see, I was right, right, right...


Bedding and pillows-Zara Home Kids



Paint-BM Deep River


I think we need to start with that duck painting...I mean really...have you ever seen anything SO FREAKING ADORABLE!  I want it...large.

I'm also very smitten with the stunning armoir and that rug...and then there's the sconces...Amanda managed to read my mind and picked a set of my all time favourites...divine.

As I've said before, these moodboards have given me a ridiculous amount of inspiration for the room- soooo honoured that so many of you have taken the time to put such prettiness together for me!!!

And since we're on the topic of baby, I'll fill you in on my plans for the day.

In a few hours, I'm having my one of my all time favourite photographers pop over to shoot some maternity shots.

Now let me just say that I've never really had much of  desire to do this before...for some reason, when I look at other people's belly pictures, I feel like I'm looking at boudoir photos or something- it weirds me out a bit.

But...this is my last baby and I want to so remember this time of my life much as I loathe (and I truly mean loathe) having my own picture taken, I'm biting the bullet and doing it.

I have butterflies in my stomach over this...not looking forward to the actual taking of the pictures at all but as I said before, I want these reminders of this very special time and I'm in VERY good hands.

The photographer is named Jodi Renee...

...she's all kinds of brilliant...I know this because she took the first professional photos of my daughter ever, and well, look at them...

I mean really right....based on these alone, I'm thinking she can probably save me from looking totally gross.

I sent her these inspiration shots... we'll see what happens:)

I'm running out right after I drop off the kiddies at school to find something to wear...would love a long white nightgown like dress of some sort...hopefully I can locate something suitable...quickly...shoot is at 11.

Wish me luck!
