Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Maggie of Maggie Rose Interiors...and a Lilttle #projectvicarious Update


...time and today I'm happy as a peach to introduce Maggie of...

Maggie's blog is a new one for me but I'm so enjoying soaking up the goodness.

She's definitely a girl after my mixology loving heart and her keen eye for collecting and layering fabulous style is much loved my moi.

I was happy dancing the tango when she asked to put together a little moodboard action for Baby J and when I saw her scheme, well let's just say that some gymnastics were added to the action...many backflips ensued over the fabric alone.



Can you get over the curtain selection?

And that so good.

I very much like the whole thing...the colour palate is so rich...the whole board is just sort of regal like.

High approval.

And speaking of things that I can joyfully give thumbs up to...


Painting is happening in daughter N's room and it's DELICIOUS!!!!

The dining room is also getting some special paint treatment...

...and well, I can't farking wait to see everything come together.

I promise a giant reveal mid-March.

Love smooches.
