Style at Home and #projectgetroomsreadyforkids

It's a new week folks...first full one in February no less.

The date is actually freaking me out large.

My big kid comes home for spring break in two weeks...and bambino is due in about a month- all of this means that our basement needs an yesterday.

So...we've started a bit of a project...we'll call it #projectgetroomsreadyforkids

The work has started with the rental of a giant PODS container for the front yard...

Lots of junk/furniture/odds and sods will be placed in it today.

As well, a dumpster is coming...and YES, my front yard is going to look mighty fine for the next month or so- ha!

By the end of day, I hope to have an empty playroom/bedroom and hallway.

The next step will be flooring.

We're thinking of running something fun carpet wise down the stairs and then doing a grey oak laminate for the basement.

Something like this...

Example of Dove Grey Oak Flooring used by Cox Workshop

I also have plans for many many built ins, doors for the laundry room and perhaps a little furniture here and there.

Much will be happening in a VERY short time...I've got two weeks to make most of it happen.

Stay tuned.

Before shots coming in the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I've got two things:

1. The Kanetix giveaway is being drawn TODAY!!!!

Check back later this evening for the $500 winner...and PS, you still have until then to enter so get to it;)

I've got 4 things re: my favourite magazine to share.

a) I did this little 20 questions interview not so long ago...have a readski HERE...


b) I took part in a little New Year's Resolution series and along with a bunch of other fab bloggers, came up with my LONG list of things to do HERE...

You'll note the size of my list...also see basement discussion...aren't you proud...I'm totes sticking to my resolutions;)

c) The web piece that corresponds to my the big #projectkitchen gorgeous/house reveal in the February issue is now up...








You can see the rest of the article and all of the other photos (taken by the stunningly talented Donna Griffith) HERE.

d) The ladies over at 219 and I were thrilled when Style at Home asked to feature our B&B tiger velvet pillow in their newest issue...

How exciting is that?

Um...that would be VERY!!!!

Make sure you:

2.  pick up the newest issue of Style at Home when it hits shelves today...of course, my monthly article will also be in there so I do so hope you enjoy.
