Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Brittany of Classically B


Since it's Thursday, I thought I might as well get my ass in gear and post a little...


This is officially the first BBBN since the arrival of my numero quatro, Master Jasper (ha...that sounds funny)...

...which makes me ubberly happy.

The nasty UTI I've just been diagnosed with, however, is not making me or my baby's stomach pleased at all...I'm on my 4th round of antibiotics in the past 3 not cool...the massive doses of probiotics are having a hard time keeping up with the healthy flora destruction.

And what's more/of bigger importance,  sweet little nugget was up ALL night with this horrible sore tummy thanks to the medicine- such shit balls.

Anyhoo...I digress.

On a happier note, here's a fabulous nursery moodboard, courtesy of Brittany, a la...


Pillow {My own pillow collection!!}


Loving the colour palate and sconces/dresser/mirror combo...and that pillow, which PS, comes directly from Ms Brittany's brand spanking new shop (literally opened yesterday) called...

Witness the pretty...


And with that, I'm off to oversea the installation of my new carpet runners.

Hooray, hooray.

As well, painting of the basement/ #projectgetroomsreadyforkids will be finished today with the fireplace getting a coat of white and the laundry doors going black.

Progress pictures will be plastered here next week and I promise, promise a nursery reveal then too:)

And what's more, #projectvicarious is wrapping up with the big move in happening next week so stay tuned for a big post on that front.

For now, much love for all the sweet baby related appreciated...and happy almost long weekend.

Oh more thing- don't forget to enter my Candy Shop Vintage giveaway, if you haven't already.

These gorge earrings from their new vintage inspired collection, are up for grabs...

You know you want them:)

Hope the bunny is good to you and yours.
