Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Darlene of Fieldstone

We're winding down this series...

... with only maybe a few left so let's get right to it...

Today I'm very happy to welcome the very talented Darlene of....

Not only does this lady write a mean blog that's PS, quite an enjoyable read, she also puts together some of the most delightful design boards...which means, if you're looking for someone to help you with the whole e-design thing, she's definitely one to check out.

Of course, I was more than just a little bit happy when she asked to submit a board just for Baby J and got even more wide eyed and bushy tailed when I saw what arrived in my inbox...


Hi lovely people! It is Darlene Weir, owner and principal designer of 
Fieldstone Hill Design, and I am tickled to be here. A HUGE congrats to Christine and this precious little life that she is cooking up. Christine, I am thrilled for you!
I am all about the boys... and snips and snails and puppy dog tails and such. Boys are super fun to decorate for; and I had a blast creating this sharp nursery filled with pattern and sophisticated touches. A huge perk is that a lot of the items are a big bang for your buck.

Come on, sweet baby boy! We love you already! It is to you that I dedicate this "Sharp-Dressed Man" nursery...


How obsessed am I with this whole thing?

That would be VERY.

The Katie Ridder curtain fabric makes my knees week, and the Meg Braff wallpaper...well it's all just almost too much.

I adore the play of pattern and texture and how much goodness Darlene packed into one wee nursery- she's totally a girl after my own heart.

This room actually reminds me of the direction I took with my big boy's space...which makes me think he needs a little wallpaper in his life- definitely keeping this board for reference- tres beuno.

Since my due date is next week, I've got one more nursery post scheduled for Thursday but I was thinking that if more come in, I'll run them post baby's arrival as a way to keep the blog running while I'm out of commission...depends what comes in sort of thing.

For now, if you've missed any of the boards that have been posted for the last few months, use the link on my many amazing schemes!  

I feel very lucky to have such fabulous blogging buddies:)

And speaking of amazing friends, if anyone out there feels like submitting a guest post on ANYTHING so that I can fill up a week or so with pretty stuff for B&B, while out on newborn baby duty, I would appreciate it infinitely much.

Oh and one more thing...don't forget to enter my RE: Style giveaway...a $250 gift certificate towards any one of Andrea's amazing ready made furniture line could be yours!!!!!

This insanely good chair (that would PS, work so well in Darlene's nursery board) for example...

...could be yours...

Smooches and good luck wishes.
