Jacks on Queen

Happy Saturday MTG peeps,

Here's yet another post in the 'Your Local Gaming Store' series.  We are freshly returned from 'Jack's on Queen' in Elmvale, Ontario - just a titch north from Barrie.  Jack's was running another great Magic: the Gathering event - a free-to-play standard constructed event where about forty players vied for a $100 cash prize payout (or a box of MTG booster packs).  DCI Level 2 Judge James McKay officiated the event by providing rules clarification and assisting newer players.  Also in attendance today was none other than Spencer outfitted in his Assassin's Creed costume and tried to pass himself off as MTG character Gideon Jura.

Jack's on Queens sells collectibles (all sorts!), comic books, manga, graphic novels, movie memorabilia, and of course a range of collectible card games.  Owner / entrepreneur  Tim Ashworth with the help of family members are able to quickly transform the store and set out gaming tables to accommodate events such as the one we attended today.
Although Tim opened up this family business only last summer, Magic: the Gathering gamers we know down in Toronto (almost an hour and a half south) know this shop.  If you are looking to hook up for a game or to peruse good geekery, check out Jack's on Queen.

18 Queen Street East, Elmvale
Phone    705-515-5225 (JACK)
Email    info@jacksonqueen.com
Website    http://www.jacksonqueen.com

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