#projectgetroomsreadyforkids - Bought Stuff Etc.

I've got a VERY early start to the day so I need to make this one quick...the red head is working and we're being picked up at 7am so yup...not much time.

I hope you all enjoyed a good weekend.

Ours was interesting.

Saturday was good...I got lots of stuff for the basement delivered/picked up/purchased...and PS, sorry for those of you who follow my Instagram feed...this is going to be largely a regurgitation of that.

Our first stop was my favourite, favourite architectural salvage haunt,  the Door Store ...there we picked up the laundry room doors and fireplace surround...

...and now the fun deciding on colours for both begins.

I'm thinking white on the laundry room doors and black/gold for the fireplace...those little inlays would pop like firecrackers in gold me thinks....there's a piece of antique mirror that sits in that top whole and again, I think it would be so pretty framed out in a thin bead of goldy goodness.

Along with these two pick ups, I also stumbled upon what is my new favourite store for all things mid-century/regency, Patina...


...for those of you who live in Toronto, you MUST visit this place- it's like our own little corner of Dixie Highway heaven...and if you don't live around here, they do have a 1st Dibs shop...and it's good...really, really good.

I literally almost lost my mind when I spied these babies...

You might remember  that I was planning on purchasing a pair of brass and lucite bookcases...well, let's just say that my plan has now changed...I picked up these vintage beauties for literally 1/3 the price of the other set.


The goodness continued when my wonderful sponsor Nina (Black Rooster) was a gem of a girl and met me while we were at the Door Store so she could hand deliver my Moroccan mother of pearl mirror...

...it's going to make my new basement bathroom soooooo purdy.

And that was Saturday.

Sunday was spent with the 6 year old on a morning shoot.

In addition, I also picked up a bed for the guest room, after revising my design plan to save on budget.

As much as I'd love wallpaper in there...

...it's just not in the budget so plan B on that front.

For now, the walls will be painted white (thinking high gloss thanks to a little chat I had with Nicole...you should see her glossy white living room- wowzers) and a bed will go in there.

The rest of the stuff will come eventually and will hopefully look something like this...

I already have the fabric for the curtains from my friend/sponsor Pillotopia 
(PS, check out her new blog The Pink Zipper...tres enjoyable...and PSS, she's having a great 20% off sale now in her shop, so check that out too)...the art is mine so that's free...I'm stealing the lamp from my family room so again, free...the side table is from Black Rooster and is already mine...and the Les Touches pillows (photographed from/available at Arianna Belle) are on their way to me from one of my fave shops, House of Pemberley.  The only purchases are the rug, dresser, bed and that fab blue chair...as I said, I picked bought the bed and it should be here just in time for the teenager to arrive home for bambino's debut...she's going to be mighty happy to have a place to sleep...other than the couch that is...and the chair, it hails from a new Etsy discovery, 

It's one of my new favourites...filled to the brimski with vintage beautiousness.

So there you have it.

#projectgetroomsreadyforkids as it stands now.

I will tell you that the progress down there construction wise has been incredible...again, if you need a contractor and live in Toronto, you need to get in touch with me so that I can give you the name of the most reliable/talented dude ever.

Today is going to see major changes because Home Depot is coming to install the tile and flooring...reveals on that front will be Wednesday.

And tomorrow, check back for an amazing giveaway!!!

So much for a short post.
