Thinking About 7 #7 - Inspired By...

I haven't done a 7 in a while and this morning has found me VERY inspired by a number of things to here we go.

1. This photo sealed the deal as far as my plan to move my brass fixture in the living room downstairs over the table and replace it with the Mouille (mine will be  knock off).  I have a medallion (not as fabulous as the one here) as well and the combo just makes me all sorts of giddy.

I have this large urge to masculinate (yes...I made that word up) the living room a bit and a giant praying mantas like light does that in spades me thinks.

Does anyone object to me having the sconces on one floor and ceiling light on another?

Too much of a good thing?

Serge Mouille pendant, Home by Ignacio GarcĂ­a de Vinuesa

...pretty sure that's impossible when we're talking about Serge.

2. The whole 'toughening up' of the living room idea will continue in #projectgetroomsreadyforkids

I was blog flipping this morning and hoped over to one of my faves, 219.

I discovered MANY things of interest.

a. Sarah's house...she posted about it yesterday....

I mean come on.

The fabulousity of all of this makes me all kinds of crazy.

I adore every single thing and completely want to copy it all.

Starting with these VC Soho Sconces...

SOHO DOUBLE SCONCE don't see them in the rooms above but Sarah just added them to her basement and I'm totally going to steal her idea and put them in mine too- they'll look SO farking good against the moulding and more girly bits.

Love, love, love.

3. Rugs

I'm working on sorting out the rug situation in the basement.

Thinking of two of these West Elm runners for the hallway...

Kasbah Wool Rug - Ivory

And I just came across this beauty from PB teen that would be swell somewhere...

Alternate View

...too bad an 8x10 is $900 bones- too rich for my blood these days. it just me or has RugsUSA wrecked your idea of what rugs should cost too?  They're amazing selection and ridiculously good prices make all other rug sources seem totally out to lunch.

Moving on.

4. While browsing Pinterest this morning, I hit upon this amazing store called 

Their banner alone was a clue I'd probably love just about everything.

But it's their wallpaper section that is making my heart really go thump thump...get a load of these 12x10 murals...

This guy has already made its way around the interwebs...

...and then there's these...

So coolio right?

I wish I was more into colour these days...I'd be all over these.

And if bambino was a girl, she'd totally be enjoying some of that flower goodness.

5. Speaking of babes...I'm on single digit countdown- holy Dinah.

Please pray to the gods that little dude stays put in the belly until at least Sunday.

That is when floors will be in and furniture will be delivered/moved/put downstairs i.e. out of my living room.


My family is all due to arrive early next week and I really don't want anyone here in the chaos that is my abode at the moment.

Again, please pray.

Also, since little guy is a dude and I won't be having anymore, I'll be holding on to my most favourite of all time girl name and giving it to this sort of doogle, when the time is right- many years from now that is...

6. So inspired by Jenny's latest work...

Cloud Cover



No One Was Looking

Man that girl can paint.


7. Excited to spot my Scarlett in a store magazine...

...makes what I'm about to say a little easier to swallow:)

I'm not sure why all the fuss is made about the terrible 2s...we had none of that business BUT sure my hair is graying by the second because of Ms Red locks.

She's got some spunk in her, that's for sure;)

For those of you with girls, isn't it scary when you see your hormonal DNA rearing it's ugly head in the form of your offspring?


Let's just say I'm more than a little excited to resume my casual wine habit.
