
We've marked two big milestones this past week and since I'm feeling like a very gushy mommy these days, I thought I'd share:)

1. My sweet boy Jasper...

 ...turned 1 month...

...and PS, it makes me sad...want him to freeze frame as a newborn because I know now how ridiculously fast the time goes.

In any case, I'll be jumping on the 'taking a photo every month' bandwagon so stay tuned:)

2. My little red...

...turned 7...insert 'holy shit...how did my firstborn turn into a kid without me noticing' face.

I seriously cannot fathom that my wee girl is 7...to me, 7 is big...it's like any hint of toddler is gone... this scares me...I know that 10 is just around the corner, which means 15 is just as close, and that all adds up to leaving home 18 before I blink an eye.

I realized when putting her party together that it would probably be the last girly/princess one I could pull off.

So...we dove in with both feet...gathered up as much pink as we could find...

...which is PS, not that hard around these parts;)....and held a runway/fashion show party at a local modelling agency.

The ladies all got make-up, hair and nails did...

...ate lots of pretty treats...

...played dress-up...

...and then walked the runway in some rather interesting get ups...

And as you can see...this little bean...

...loved every second of it.

As for my boys....

...they managed to also have fun, despite the overwhelming girl business.

And with that, I'm officially the mother of an 18, 7, 4 and 1 month old...holy cammoli sandwich batman...feeling very sentimental/emotional about the whole thing.

Time. Goes. Too. Farking. Fast.
