I spoke too soon on the baby sleep awesomenss...got a grande total of about 3 hours last night...arg.
Ah well- onwards and upwards as they say.
I've got some updates on #projectfoyer to share.
If you recall, the original design board was full of colour...

...and though I loved that direction, something made me want to go a completely different route...

...probably because I find myself wanting more neutrals in general...in my own home and in others.
So...we moved forward with plan B as it were and things are coming along.
As of now, the pair of black chairs you see in that board have been purchased, the amazing Oly bench is on order and the painting/panelling has been done.
Once again...the befores....
...and hello AFTERS...
...the panelling is ah-maaze (PS, if you need a guy to do this, let me know...my guys is the BESTEST) and I love the newly painted black stairs.
We also continued the paneling all the way upstairs...
...and it's super purdy.
Happy, happy.
Stay tuned for lighting, runner and furniture updates and a final reveal very soonly.
For now, a little peak at some small moulding action at my place...this happened to the basement doors last night...

And with that, it's official...I'm totally obsessed with moulding...want to do up my entire house and the walls of pretty much every project I come across.