Never Thought I'd be Lusting Over a Roof....

As you know, we're thinking of building a cottage in PEI.

This excites me large.

I posted a photo of what I'd love this little home away from home to look like...

 ...and found a few other versions of the same, this morning on Pinterest...

Love much.

The main appeal comes from the combo of white siding, huge porch and metal roof.

And the more I stare at all of the above, the more I realize that I'd also love to use this bucket list as inspiration for our house house.

You might remember my posts about Project Exterior last summer...we had to put it all on hold while my hubster changed jobs but I'd love to get a start on it again in the not too distant future...and when we do, I'm thinking the plan might change and move more towards the cottage facades above....peaks of Chassity's new/crazy fabulous house, has also got me loving this option...perhaps I'll consider my beloved black windows inside and go all white with a pale metal roof on the outside.

All in all, I'm really quite adoring the metal roof option, at the very least.

But is having a cottage that matches a house (or vice-versa) crazy town?

Probably/maybe/my sleep deprived brain can't decide.

In any event I really am loving the pale metal roof thing...especially when it's paired with white siding...

On an unrelated note, my basement shower is now went in last night...

And it makes me VERY does this heaven sent apparatus...

...she may be ugly and take up a ridiculous amount of floor space but good lord, it be worth it...I got a solid 6 hour stretch of slumber last night thanks to this motorized baby whisperer.
