Progress #projectgetroomsreadyforkids

Well bless be to the gods...I'm finding myself with a sleeping baby, a hot cup of coffee and dare I say, a few hours to myself.


Acutally, happiness isn't really the right's more like relief...we had one of those 'holy shitballs, we have 3 kids and they're all nuts' sessions last was a fusspot, which he rarely is so it was disconcerting....4 year old seemed in desperate need of attention...husband was beyond tired from very busy day at work so less patient than such a night required...7 year old had a giant project due for school that was supposed to be done entirely by her but of course, required A LOT of assistance from us parents...oh and I was in a rare quite regular state of drunk/sleep deprived exhaustion.

Thankfully, we pulled through and sent this fairytale diorama to school with  S this morning...

...the fluffy hat we had to destroy to make the red carpet is feeling less than amused with the whole thing but the rest of us, quite chuffed that we can check that one off the to-do list.

Anyhoo...enough whining I suppose and on to some other progress on the homefront.

#projectgetroomsreadyforkids is back in gear after a little break.

My contractor has been here the last few days and when I went down to check on things last night (after all the kids were FINALLY/blissfully asleep that is) I was soooooo excited to see our antique doors hung on their track...

(sorry for the crappy photos...god I need a decent camera)

The cardboard is being used as templates for the frosted/etched glass that will take its place.

So happy with how they look/function...slide across the laundry opening like a dream they do.

Along with the doors, the bases for our IKEA kitchen cabinets have also been hung in the hallway...

...and the glossy white doors will be added tonight.

We're debating between black stained wood on top or CesearStone in snow white...thoughts? 

I'm leaning stone.

Along with the larger construction developments, my Modern Thread pillows arrived and they are beuno...

Still thinking I like this sofa/space better than my living room, which is annoying.

Also quite sure I want the grey laminate (or something similar) that 
Home Depot Canada so generously supplied, in my entire house...LOVE it (will definitely be using it in #projectcottage).

Re-decorating is always such a troublesome snowball...change one thing and want to change the world as it were.

And with that, I'm off to spend the remainder of my alone time watching the newest episode of 'The Following'...any of you watch?  Tres dramatic.
