#projectgetroomsreadyforkids and Baby, Baby, Baby Nursery - Raiana of Raiana Schwenker

Let me just start by saying that starting a day with a rain/ice storm, a newborn and two kids that have to get to school...not ideal.

On the positive flip side, I've got a little basement progress to share.

My contractor installed the fireplace yesterday and built the box on the inside, which will get a coat of black paint soon.

For now, the antique mirror is in and I lurv it...

I'm pretty sure that I am going to end up loving the basement more than the main level at this point.

The fact that my contractor is making these doors happen in the hallway,

...is also making me primo happy- they're inspired by the dining room doors in #projectvicarious and will similarly, be painted black- a brass dummy knob will go in the middle of the circle there.

I'm hoping for the whole thing to be done in the next couple of weeks and can't wait for the big reveal!!

For now though, I've got an AH-MAAAAAAZING nursery board to share a la...

...and in fact, this might very well be our last guest board...I plan on showing you mine next week but I think this one is it for the fabulousity that has been gifted to me and this blog, from some superbly talented friends.

And since I love ending on a high note, I can't wait to share what Raiana of...

...has put together.

To begin with, she sent me a link to possibly the most sublime baby related item in history...hello carrier HEAVEN!!!

Inline image 1

I mean have you ever?

Tell me you don't want to pop a kid out just so you can tote it around in that thing?

And to follow suit with a nursery board that befits the same lucky kid who might find themselves being carted around in carrier bliss, here's Raiana's nursery inspiration...

Light Fixture available through me: raianaschwenker@gmail.com

[my favourite rug resource for dream boards]

Giraffe Bookends (1 or 2)  

Circus Elephant on Ball: available through me www.raiatelier.com [coming soon] 


I don't really know even where to start when it comes to commenting on this one.

I literally ADORE every single element.

The sheep obviously stole my heart from the get go...but then there's the rest...I mean the silk drapes with pom-poms...the ribbon chandy...the brass/leather rocker...and that rug- holy hell.

It's all just too damn good...which if you saw Raiana's living room reveal on 
Sadie & Stella yesteday, should come of no surprise..

raiana schwenker design

Raiana Schwenker

...the girl CLEARLY has skillz.

Later lovenuts.
