Weekend and #projectgetroomsreadyforkids

Good morning friends.

I'm hoping you all enjoyed a beuno weekend.

Mine was pretty great.

The husband was out of town with the 6 year old so I had the weekend with my boys...thankfully, my parents came down and stayed with us, which made the solo baby parenting time much less stressful/more enjoyable.

The most notable event of said 3 days was the lopping off my big dude's locks...fellow moms of boys might be able to relate about how hard it is to take off the baby curls but it was time I think (I think)...I wish I had a photo of Mr. Dapperpants but I was too busy staring at how different he looked to focus on taking a picture...will post one soon- amazing how hair affects ones appearance...he looks like a totally different kid.

In other news, I played around with some stuff in the house and made some progress in the basement.

For one, I decided to take the gold kitchen chairs downstairs...

 ...and use the Pantons in their place...happy with how they look in their new home...

As well, I had my contractor install the hand painted silk curtains in the basement guest room...

My amazing designer friend/sponsor Hollie Cooper (Pillotopia/The Pink Zipper) made them for me...and by made, I mean she hand painted the silk, measured them up, lined them, cut them so that they didn't have to go to the floor behind the headboard but did so on the ends, and then made them into ripple fold (my new favourite curtain variety) panels...


PS...If you're in the market for this sort of graphic fabric, she can custom do any length/fabric/colour for you- sooooooo good.

Along with the curtains, I also got the laundry doors painted up, and the old kitchen table re-built...

I plan on adding frosted glass to the doors, before they get hung on a track in front of the laundry room...excited!

And I think that's it for progress on the basement front.

The shower is getting finished up today, with the installation of the glass/steel window like enclosure...sooooo anxious to see it and I promise a reveal as soon as it's done.

