M14 Quick Start Decks

Happy Monday MTG peeps,

We hope all of you had a great weekend, or if you are in the States, a great Memorial Day long weekend.  Game Day took place over the weekend and all we can say coming out of it is that standard constructed format is healthy and doing great.  We gamed against a variety of different decks won some, lost some but still had a great time and realize we need to pick up a few other cards from MTG Mint Card to make our sideboard a bit more robust.

Anywhoos - we have to catch up and get some more Magic: the Gathering core set news out to you.  Our Magic 2014 Spoiler List now sits at  142 of 249 cards revealed, thanks in a small part to someone breaking open some M14 Quick Start decks.  Like M13, this core set will also have a variety of 30-card preconstructed  sample decks made primarily from common and uncommon core set cards with perhaps a few Return to Ravnica cards thrown in for spice.  These decks are great for learning and come along with a nice learn to play guide.  These are typically handed out at conventions / trade shows, or provided to new players.  

Anywhoos, here's a few new cards we can expect in the M14.
