Motherhood = Hardness, Goodness and Lots of Photos

I know people who think Mother's Day is kind of silly.

I, however, completely disagree.

Being a mom is hard...real hard.

It's also the most amazing thing one could ever hope to experience.

It makes for some of the longest days one could comprehend...but also speeds life up in this teleport sort of way.

Motherhood can sometimes make you feel a weird sort of isolation/loneliness...but it also surrounds you with more love and support than you could possibly ever need.

It steals a little of 'you' but also totally makes you who you are.

Being a mom is work...and I mean the really exhausting kind...but it's also the most energizing job in the universe.

It can make you sad and infinitely happy all at once.

Motherhood is Hannibal eating people for dinner sort of scary (PS...I still can't make it though an entire episode of that show...madness)...but it's also the most intuitive thing you'll ever do.

And the kids...they age you by like a 1000 years everytime they open their mouths but at the same time, they totally manage to keep you young at heart.

They drive you nuts but somehow make you happier than you thought ever possible.

There are days when having children can make life seem like it makes absolutely no sense...but it also makes your world seem like the only place where everything is as it should be.

It can make you feed burdened but somehow the most carefree person in the world.

Despite all of it, and more importantly....because all of it...

 ...being a mom is 100% the most amazing gift I could possibly ever have been's absolutely the only thing I've ever known for sure that I wanted and I count myself the luckiest girl in the world to get to spend my day with these incredible  people...

I'm also pretty pleased that hubster recognizes that though I wouldn't trade my life as a mom for all the things on 1st Dibs that I can't afford, it's also hard as shit...the fact that he buys me prezzies from here... say thanks, is well...appropriate...j'earned it.

Of course, the little hand made/painted/written/printed goodies...

...are 100% the bestest of is that N'espresso machine on the'll be horrified to hear that until now, I've been a product of an instant coffee baring childhood...the teenager has taken care of this and provided our home with a decent caffeine option...she also bought me some rather fantastic outdoor stemless wine glasses...think I should be worried that my eldest has realized that coffee and wine are the way to my heart?


Go team motherhood...crutches and all.

Oh and of course, thanks to my amazing mamma bear for showing me how it's all done...

Motherhood = Thankfullness.
