New Project - #projectdownunder

Happy Thursday peeps.

Today is going to be B to the izzy for me...redhead has a double audition this afternoon, which means I've got to pull both kids out of school a little early, drive downtown with the baby in tow and head back in the deep of rush hour traffic...with said baby who PS, hates the car.


On a happier note, thank you all so so much for your comments on
yesterday's post re: headaches and yesterday's so appreciate the feedback and suggestions...I'm thinking of bundling all of them together to make one giant magic 'migraines be gone' love package...will let you know how that goes.

In the meantime, I'm excited to share a new e-design project I've just started on.

We'll call this one #projectdownunder because you guessed it, the home is in's that for international design;)

I've been working like a little busy beaver on this one since first seeing my client's Pinterest board...just to give you a taste, here's some of her inspiration compilation for the space....

...and as you can probably tell, it's pretty much my DREAM MIX OF GOODNESS...I adore her maximalist/girly/glamness of it all.

My fabulous client also sent me pictures of the three spaces I'm in charge of and let's just say I've got a major beuno blank slate to work with.

A taste of the gorgeous 'befores'...

1. The Lounge

2. The Living/Dining Room

So, so lovely!

And with all that information in place, I came up with these:




There's some tinkering to do with the lighting sourced...after seeing the ceiling photos, I'd flip the living and dining options...we also might stick with that's there so we can spend more in other areas...the existing chandeliers are lovely so they could definitely work- we shall see.  The large black sectional might also be staying so that would change the furniture plan just a wee bit but for now, we're officially off to the races and...

I.Can. Not. Wait

Stay tuned for beaucoup progress posts.
