If You Want It, Black Rooster It #5

Hi there.

Sorry for the missed post yesterday and the late one today...MUCH is going on in my neck of the woods that I can't talk about right now but let me just say...big things in my little world are occuring;)))

So...please excuse the tardiness and let's get right to it with this week's edition of...

Today, I've chosen this lovely little foyer...

...and made a version of it come to life a la Black Rooster...

And in case you caught that last source bit, Black Rooster is now carrying 
goodies from Made Goods...hell yes!

In other news, I FINALLY found what I think will be THE exterior inspiration for #projectdreamhouse ...behold the excellence...

...on obviously a much smaller scale.


1. the white siding combined with cut concrete (I think that's what the later is anyways)
2. the black rounded doors
3. the cedar roof
4. how there's multiple structures that are connected with breezeways (or the like)
5. how it feels fancy but restrained

Robert Couturier has some skills.
