#projectdreamhouse....Range Wars

After posting about my kitchen plans for #projectdreamhouse yesterday, I went to school to pick up my kidlins school only to have a friend of mine let me know that the La Cornue stove I'm after, which PS, is basically the cornerstone of my kitchen design, is WAY more expensive than I had thought.

Total and complete suckage.

I mean just look at the ad for the thing...

It works in modern spaces...

...and more traditional ones...

It belongs in the pseudo French but still modern house of my dreams...

Now I  just need to figure out how in the god's green earth I can make it happen...


La Cornue peeps...I'd LOVE to work with you;)

Baring some sort of sponsorship windfall, I've got a plan B.

These rather fabulous Lacanche pretties are also Francais...

Sully Black Stove

...and still give me the black and brass I'm after, at more than 1/2 the price.

I'm thinking that if they're good enough for this kitchen greatness...

...they're pretty swell enough for mine too;)

I'd say they're just as luxurious as the La Cornue but a little more understated...

Parfait perhaps.
