The Dream House Diaries #3 - The Exterior

In case you missed it, I actually posted yesterday and if I was you, I'd have a look...some fairly AMAZING/brand new furniture pieces from 219 were featured....if  you're a Karl Springer fan, you'll find these new goodies beyond.

Moving on, and since I spent the whole weekend consumed with the idea of building a house, it's time for the third edition of...

And for this one, we're moving to the part of the plan that's driving me totally and completely bonkers...aka...


As you know, I have a firm plan for what I want the inside to look like...

...which is basically some sort of Paris apartment replica, with a little New York edge thrown in by way of weirdly masculine/modern furniture.


Now the problem with said plan is that I can't for the life of me figure out how to  make this same vision happen on the outside...largely because I'm scared to death of anything pseudo soon as you try that in my neighborhood, things tend to end up this....

...and let's just say I'm not in the market for a Canadian version of Versailles.

There are literally hundreds of these grande dames in my hood and with the exception of this one (which is around the corner from my house and so much lovelier in person than this crappy through the window shot is able to show)...

...I hate them all.

Though when I look through the inspiration files, I do quite enjoy...

...everything about this one...

...the compound like nature of this one...

...the materials, colour scheme and exact frilly but retrained style of this...

(though how the hell do you take this townhouse look that I love so much and make it into a single family home that doesn't end up looking ridiculous?)

...the oldness of this mixed with a touch of modern...

...the shape and entrance of this pretty lady...

...the feeling of Old Hollywood this gal gives...

...and the indisputable prettiness of this one...

But as much as I love all of them, I just think trying to make this old stuff look not totally dumbass when replicated is kind of a recipe for disaster.

So, French seems sort of out...though it definitely matches the inside style the best...which is why I'm so darn-nation confused.

What the heck do I do with the outside?

My number one favourite/sprawling courtyard type of dreamhouse...

...can't really happen...all the lots we're considering are just too narrow.

The design confusion + physical property restraints = one giant 'diary of a scattered psycho' inspiration pile...I'm quite sure that there isn't a single common thread in any of it...with the exception of colour scheme....we're definitely working with some combo of black and white...maybe light gray...with greenary....

But aside from that, it's definitely a mixed bag of god knows what to do...


I like the idea of doors on the mainfloor rather than windows...also am thinking of stucco as a possibility...

...more doors and more stucco...

I shopped in the black windows on this one because the material/colour combo is what I'm thinking....white stucco, cedar shakes, black windows...

As a stucco alternative, I also like painted brick with the cedar...

Everything about this house/these windows makes me happy...

If there was room on the lot (which there probably isn't), I love the idea of a single story front house, with breezeways and courtyards behind...

My husband ins't keep on these guys because he's sort of an atheist and thinks these dudes look like churches...

...there's something about the second one though, that  I think is pretty daper.

More doors and courtyard goodness...

Most of my inspire pile is white...but this much loved black dude is also on the list..

This lot orientation could work and I love the idea of a big covered veranda...

The feel of this and the giant black windows... wish I had the space for a one story!

The bygone era elegance of this...

This shape would work swimmingly on the lot but I think it too Nantucket for the inside style...they don't seem to jive in my head...

And PS, aside from the knock off French numbers, the style above is everywhere in my neighborhood.

Pretty but too wide for my lot...

Same with this one...though I like how it feels sort of modern and traditional at the same time and again with the white/cedar...

And then there's this sort of townhouse look that I LOVE/works perfectly with the inside...

...but would look pretty rediculous standing by itself.

And then there's this type of thing...

...that I also really quite love, but also doesn't jive with the inside/surroudings.

And to take it all even more confusing, even though I love clean lines, a part of me is a total maximalist...

...who wants a show-stopping entrance...

...and fancy stuff.

{all photos are via Pinterest and Houzz}

You see my dilemma?

Holy farksticks...


I need voices of reason (meaning you dudes) to step in and sort this shit out.

Virtual moonbeams and unicorns in advance.
