If You Want It, Black Rooster It #10 + EDIT

I'm a day late, but hopefully not a dollar short with this weeks...

...post, so without further ado...take this...

...and make something VERY similar happen a la Black Rooster fabulous...

Can we talk about that green faceted mirror for a second...I NEED it in my life...and the dresser...it's lacquered, which we all know = supreme yumminess.

And now...an EDIT.... I just opened my email to discover that the gorgeous blue screens shown above...

...are also yours to be had at Black Rooster!

Along with this divinity of a dresser...

Pictures of Mirrored Wave Dresser

...which means that this other alternate/equally stunning goodness...

...can totally happen thanks to BR....

And with that, I'm off to spend another day melting...holy balls it's hot here...was almost 50 degrees Celsius yesterday with the humidity...combine that with a day spent mostly outside and a baby in a carrier...not OK...I saw this on FB yesterday and I think it sums up...

Praying for a cool down I am...this pasty white girl needs her a breeze.
