First off, a huge THANK YOU for all the sweet comments on Jasper's Nursery from
yesterday's post...reading them was seriously the cherry on the magazine cake.
Next, I've got some project updates for you...
1. #projectnordic
I'm soooooo excited because my awesome client literally ordered EVERYTHING on the design board in one fail swoop- have I mentioned I love her?
Now because everything is going to Norway, it's going to be some time before I can show you the 'afters' so stay with me on this one...I promise it will be worth the wait.
In the meantime, I've got the plans for her outside space all ready to go.
If you saw this post, you have an idea of the look we're going for.
Well, after some playing around with ideas and after nailing down the scope of what she wanted to tackle right now, we've arrived at this board...
I think it's going to be gorge...mostly because of that INSANE etagere from 219....

...which PS, also comes in gold...

In other project news, I've got a new one on the go that we'll call #projectboyapprovedglamour
For this one, I'll be taking this bedroom...
...and with the bed, rug and mirror already in place, will make something along these lines happen...
This is only board #1 and we've already moved some stuff around...the room is LARGE and in charge so I'm thinking now that I'd like a whole seating area around that settee with a little console like round table etc.
Since a boy is also occupying the space, I'm on the hunt for some more gender neutral art;)
And....I might be able to sneak in a console table as well.
For now though, we're off to a good start.
The table lamps alone make me all hot and bothered like... does the inanely delish Thibault Etosha wallpaper...
As you can see from the before shots, we're dealing with some bulkhead action...after seeing this project of Meredith's...

I filed that genius away in the memory banks for future use and when this project came along, bells went off...only trouble is, this pad is a rental...sooo....after some looking about, I found this removable/peel and stick/easy change action... one of these colourways.
So hoping client A-Oks that shiz.
3. #projectbeverlyhills
This one is trucking right along fast fab client has ordered everything up.
Because of a 'crazy out of stock and not here until Christmas' issue with our original rug choice, we've swapped it out for greener Madeline Weinrib pastures a al this dude...
{all pillows on boards via Arianna Belle and Black Rooster Decor...if interested in other sources, please email me for details} might also notice a few new additions.
After putting this piece.... uber super duper talented Jenny on a few boards (because of my deep and profound love for it,) Ms BH sent it my way as a 'do you think this would work' email...I also jumped out of my chair...YES...GOD YES!
Sooo happy it's going in the space.
Also chuffed as banana cream pie that these silk panels from Black Rooster will be making an appearance...

...PS, she also has these versions up for grabs...

4. And last but MOST DEFINITELY NOT's my big kid's...

...19th BIRTHDAY today!!!!
You know when they say that once you're a parent time just evaporates....well holy shit-damn it's true.
I can't believe my little sweet Natasha is well, an adult I guess.
Super duper sad mommy face...though, on the silver lining side, now that's she's officially 'legal', mama has a brand spanking new wine store valet;)