Happy Friday MTG peeps,
Your mission, if you so choose, is to get thee to a gamery shoppe tonight. Friday Night Magic events are taking place worldwide, so grab some friends sling some cardboard. We'll be back at OMG! Games here in Barrie, Ontario, our fav card shop to take another run at this month's FNM promo and win some packs. If you find yourself this weekend in Indianapolis, chances are you are attending GenCon Indy and will have an opportunity to fill yer boots with Magic: the Gathering events and all things awesome 'n' n3rdy - have a great time and post pics of the sights there.
Anywhoos - it's time again to catch up with our sister site, MTG Realm on Tumblr, which just hit another milestone recently with over 2,000 followers. We have over 1,500 posts now and follow about 330 bloggers with mostly MTG content making it perhaps one of the fastest growing MTG / gaming online communities on the inter-webz. Righto - let's get to some of the latest posts there . . .
Magic: the Gathering - Theros Gods
Above - an image floating around the interwebz of unknown origin showing a ‘Demeter' play mat which may or may not be part of Theros. With a plethora of potential deities that Wizards could potentially tap for an appearance in Theros, we're hoping for a 'god' card representing Demeter which could potentially generate mana.
In Greek mythology the goddess Demeter (Roman equivalent ‘Ceres’) was the most generous of the great Olympian goddesses. The Greek goddess Demeter was beloved for her service to mankind in giving them the gift of the harvest, the reward for cultivation of the soil.
Above - an image floating around the interwebz of unknown origin showing a ‘Demeter' play mat which may or may not be part of Theros. With a plethora of potential deities that Wizards could potentially tap for an appearance in Theros, we're hoping for a 'god' card representing Demeter which could potentially generate mana.
In Greek mythology the goddess Demeter (Roman equivalent ‘Ceres’) was the most generous of the great Olympian goddesses. The Greek goddess Demeter was beloved for her service to mankind in giving them the gift of the harvest, the reward for cultivation of the soil.
Nice - thanks for that post Dank U Dood - Rather nostalgic for all that Shadowmoor weridness with Elementals, Scarecrows, Kithkin and whatnot.
doctortwo asked: im going to try making an edh with a fun combo of Ghave, Guru of Spores as my comander with mycloth and night soil. any recomendations especially saproling producers?
Hey ya DoctorTwo - Ghave / Mycoloth / Night Soil look sweet - just don’t forget early game when some players may leave those tokens a titch too skinny - just one sneeze from a Choking Fumes could spell disaster. Try getting a Sigil Captain / Thelonite Hermit and other buffs in the mix. There’s a limited number of saproling generators so I will suggest don’t limit yourself to these tokens alone - how about some elves in the mix with Imperious Perfect?
Hey ya DoctorTwo - Ghave / Mycoloth / Night Soil look sweet - just don’t forget early game when some players may leave those tokens a titch too skinny - just one sneeze from a Choking Fumes could spell disaster. Try getting a Sigil Captain / Thelonite Hermit and other buffs in the mix. There’s a limited number of saproling generators so I will suggest don’t limit yourself to these tokens alone - how about some elves in the mix with Imperious Perfect?

Gaming -
Dice p0rn.
Dice p0rn.

Makeup and wig test! My markings aren’t finished because this isn’t the color I want to use (it should be a bit more purple) but you get the basic idea. So excited for this to be 100% finished ^_^Damn solid Moon Sage work there - Tamiyo would be proud!
Check out more of my progress on Tamiyo and other cosplay here- www.facebook.com/LyzBrickleyCosplay

More amazing #cosplay from @femmefatale23 as a Planeswalker from Magic the Gathering. Photo by Patrick LatterVery nice work on this outfit !
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Patrick-Latter-Photography/423060187729312 (Photographer)
Check us out on Twitter as well http://twitter.com/sharemycosplayhttp://sharemycosplay.tumblr.com Sharing the cosplay for you!

Magic: The Gathering - World Building Panel
PAX Prime 2013, Washington State Convention Center, Kraken Theatre, Sunday 9/1 1:30PM - 2:30PM
BECOME A HERO! A pantheon of all-powerful gods rules over the plane of Theros.
Krakens, minotaurs and other monsters of myth threaten the safety of walled cities. Heroes rise to battle, blostered by their devotion to the gods. The newest Magic set Theros, lands in stores in just a few weeks, and Hero’s Path, the epic block-long play experience, begins at the Prerelease. Come to the Magic: The Gathering panel and learn how the award-winning worldbuilders and designers created a new world, a new card set and new play experiences inspired by ancient Greek mythology.

Magic: the Gathering - PAX PINS
Here are a few of the trade pins from Penny Arcade shows PAX East, PAX Australia including the MTG Elspeth pin available at PAX Prime in Seattle August 30th - September 2nd.