If you read my BlogPodium re-cap yesterday, you probably noted that one of my big takeaways from the day was the importance of collaboration...both with fellow bloggers and with businesses.
To the later's end, I'm so happy to showcase two little partnerships I've been working on as of late.
First, I was thrilled when the folks over at EQ3 emailed me to let me know I had been chosen as their blogger of the month:)))
As part of the selection, I got to select something from their store so that I could style it in my own home.
One glace at their Design House Stockholm Light...

...and I knew she was the chosen one.
Because the light is so infinitely versatile, I found choosing just one place to showcase her a little tricky so instead, I decided to take Ms Stockholm on a small journey around my living room...

You can read all about this beauty's adventures in casa Bijou over at Inhabit, the EQ3 blog.
Along with this fun little project, I'm also very excited to be working with Polyvore on their newest venture.
I'm sure you all know and love this site for fashion boards but what I'm most excited about is that Polyvore now has a 'Home' section, which means putting together design and/or inspiration boards is a total dreamboat of a situation.
As with fashion and beauty, creating gorgeous interior/home sets is so so easy.
I've been having a lot of fun playing around over there these past few days and have put together two boards that do a good job of speaking to what I like...
First there's this guy...(PS, sorry about the weird gap at the top...one of the images is larger than it appears and the crop can't be changed...things like that drive me nuts when I post them but I feel better about it with a little disclaimer)
And then this one...
PS...something quite exciting will be coming and it has to do with what I've put together...stay tuned on that front.
For now, I'd hop on over and try out Polyvore's Home fun for yourself...be warned though...it can end up being a giant time suck...I'm a little addicted to it already and am finding it hard to pull myself away.
For now, I'd hop on over and try out Polyvore's Home fun for yourself...be warned though...it can end up being a giant time suck...I'm a little addicted to it already and am finding it hard to pull myself away.
And with that, and in keeping with the whole collaboration bent of this post, I'm off to hatch and plot a little more re: #projectdreamhouse with my architect extraordinaire Wallace.
Can you say 'joint blogging the entire project'???
Coming soon my friends.
Can you say 'joint blogging the entire project'???
Coming soon my friends.