Theros World-Building Panel

Happy Sunday MTG peeps,

In this post, we will be adding onto all the amazing Magic: the Gathering goodness so far this weekend, all part of PAX Prime in Seattle.  The fall set, Theros will be out in game stores 27 September but Wizards has used PAX to unveil teasers and previews all weekend long.  In this post, we'll be providing coverage on the Theros World-Building Panel

• Sunday, September 1, 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Kraken Theater
• Streamed via’s PAX Stream
• Moderator: Magic Art Director Jeremy Jarvis
• Panelists: Doug Beyer, Jenna Helland, Richard Whitters and Jennifer Meyen
BECOME A HERO! A pantheon of all-powerful gods rules over the plane of Theros. Krakens, minotaurs and other monsters of myth threaten the safety of walled cities. Heroes rise to battle, bolstered by their devotion to the gods. The newest Magic set Theros, lands in stores in just a few weeks, and Hero’s Path, the epic block-long play experience, begins at the Prerelease. Come to the Magic: The Gathering panel and learn how the award-winning worldbuilders and designers created a new world, a new card set and new play experiences inspired by ancient Greek mythology.


The Panel also revealed the above image indicating that this is to be the new Stayr Planeswalker in Theros - which is very interesting indeed as this may not be the first time we've seen him - he was also featured in the next set's (Born of the Gods) mini-site.  Looks like the fella went nuclear and became one of the gods of Theros.
