If You Want It, Black Rooster It #19, Some Link Love and Project Decorate

Happy for Friday...especially since it's a long weekend here...excited for family and turkey and Thanksgiving.

And speaking of the later, a holiday means one for the blog too so I'll be back Tuesday.

For now though, I'm happy to give you a little...

...thanks to Polyvore and another fabulous site I found called Homestyler (basically a bank of empty rooms you can create 3-D fun with.)

Thanks to both, I was able to put this action together...with a LOT of help from the fabulousity that is
Black Rooster Decor...

And if you want some of these goodies for your very own, here's your shopping list...left to rightish...

Poseidon bust
Faux malachite bar cart
Studded brass box (NEED)
Royal dome chair
Tufted leather sofa
Cubism pillow
Reindeer hide
Quirky console table (WANT)
Bauhaus table lamps (WANT)
Mid century 6 arm ceiling light
Spiky starburst mirror
Spikes mirror
Pentagonal tables
Spotlight Fortuny lamp (getting this)

PS, Black Rooster is KILLING it with their inventory lately- love so so many things.

And before I go, I wanted to link you over to a few wonderfully kind posts about yours truly this week..

1. A massive thanks to Erin over at Elements of Style for posting about Jasper's nursery...

...such an honour!!!!

2. My sweet friend and photographer extraordinaire Jodi Renee posted my maternity and newborn sessions on her blog...beyond touched by her post...

You can click HERE to see all of the photos ::whispers, there's more of Jasper's room::

 Jodi is incredibly talented and I feel so so lucky to have had her capture such an amazingly special time.

And with that, I'll sign off for now...with one quick reminder...don't forget that you have 3 days left to enter my Polyvore #edgyglamour #projectdecorate contest.

Make up a board (or ten;) that competes with these stunners...

Project Decorate: Edgy Glamour

And now I'll say bye...for realz this time.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadiana friends.

Turkey it up buttercups.
