The I Am Project...A Giveaway!!!

I'm so honoured to be introducing the amazingly uplifting...

whose wish it is to...

"affirm and inspire the beauty in every woman, to celebrate the uniqueness in each of us, as well as the commonalities that unite us as women. We want to create a space to confront the dark places that come with growth; to witness women being valued for more than their bodies, clothes, or societal projections; to feel inspired by stories and images; and to become more deeply rooted in who we are as women. We want to become a net of resources that will nurture and fortify each other's confidence, and fill women with awareness of the extraordinary beauty that each of us uniquely brings to the world."

Started by Tobe Reed (Because its Awesome) and two other friends, the project is now seeing its inspirational messages available in print form via their new Etsy Shop.

And the best part...15% of all sale proceeds will be going to projects that support young woman and the arts...such a gorgeous idea.

A little preview....

To celebrate the launch of The I Am Project Shop, Tobe and her team are offering B&B readers the chance to win the print of your choice (5x7 or 8x10).

To enter:

1. Head over to the I Am Project and tell me which print is your favourite.

For extra entries:
 (and please leave a separate comment for each)

1. Like The I Am Project on Facebook

2. Make 'The I Am Project' a favourite shop on Etsy

I'll draw for the winner on Saturday.

And PS, there may be even more ways to win one of these pretties...check out 
The I Am Project Facebook page for a listing of other blogs taking part in this giveaway bonanza...I think a few of them are still running.

Happy Thanksgiving/Columbus Day!!!

