A Little Gold in My Hood, I Discover Instagram and a Present

I know there's not much blog reading going on at the moment...it being post turkey day in the US and all.

But...I didn't post on Wednesday and twice in a week would give me a bit of a complex so...here's a little something.

I thought you might like to see my newest house gold.

First...my mammoth living room wall rod...

Isn't she grand?

As I've mentioned before...that rod is making me VERY happy...so long and gold and well...fabulous.

Just wait until my curtains get back up there...with a little added bonus no less...that may or may not involve some pink pleating...PS...is it weird I'm asking for a curtain makeover for Christmas?  I don't think so but then again, my kids can find their way to the antique store with blindfolds on so my perspective might be a little off.


I'm getting some curtain zhushing from Santa so there.

The gold rod pretty continues into the kitchen...

As you can see from this close-up...my kitchen is drowning in goldness....the stuff is everywhere...and that my friends, makes this girl soooooooo happy.

And speaking of joy.

I shopped my house to fill in the mantle until I can afford the painting I want...that might be a long way away so I need it to look at least presentable until then.

I layered some stuff I found in the basement and stashed around...it'll do for now I think.

And in Instagram...

Oh and something else got gold love this week...

Yup...that's my IKEA malm console all loved up thanks to Tim {aka painting geniuse} over at 

Here's a close up of the leafing fabulousity...

This gold goddess will be in my house tomorrow and I'll be sure to post some pictures of her on Sunday.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with two more Instagrams...

First a little shot I took of my settee...

and secondly/best for last, a photo of the amazing goodies that just arrived for me from my ridiculously fabulous sponsor, Cory Renee.

Look what I got!!!!!

Have you ever?
Black brocade with pink stripes?
Leather card holder?
Coordinated card.

Heaven/I love her/she's so a girl after my own heart.

And with that, I'll sign off for now with a few thoughts on aging that relate to the above:
1. If you're not using Instagram yet you should...look how pretty it makes everything look...it's great for taking photos of your own face too...totally erases wrinkles with all its faded light goodness.
2. Gold has the same affect on my wrinkles as Instagram does...instantly makes me look younger because it elevates my mood so much...totally reduces the grouchy frown lines in between my eyes.
3. Oxygen facials are the best BEST thing ever invented...I had one last weekend and swear I've lost at least 6 months off my face...so so worth it.  I want one a month...too bad I don't have a job.

Adios amigos.

