Friday Fancies - Night Out

Well it must be raining Rubik's Cubes...

because I'm going out tonight.

And by that, I mean I'll be downtown and sans kids until tomorrow!!!!

My sweet husband bought me a night in a fancy hotel/day at the spa for Mother's Day and I'm cashing in.


To start the fun, I'm going to...

pour myself some yummy bevies...and will totally look like Ms. boobs/flat tummy while doing it...well not really but one can dream.

Next, I'm going to...

soak for a few mintues hours so that I'm nice and ready for a night on the town...

One of my best girlfriends is meeting me for dinner and then is going to join me again tomorrow morning for the spa goodness.

To say that I'm excited about waking up all alone and doing nothing but this for a few hours...

is a GIANT understatement.

I can't fucking wait.
{sorry for the sweers but it's the only way to adequately express how much I'm looking forward to the morning of peace and quiet.}

I'm not quite sure what I'll be wearing tonight for the dinner/night out portion but in my dream land, it would be this...

but that's probably not realistic...I'm not going cotillion in 1945 after all.

So instead, I'd love to be covered in this prettiness...

but it's also likely not an option...turns out I don't have thousands of dollars these days for outfits...go figure.

In any event...I'll definitely have clothes on.

And I'll be having beaucoup amounts of peace/fun/alcohol/food/relaxation.

Je suis excited.

I hope you all have a fabboat weekend.

To start it off right, make sure you visit the lovely {av} and have a peak at the rest of this week's fancy ensembles.

I'll see you back here tomorrow with the winner of the Clover Chen giveaway...if you haven't yet entered, you can click HERE.

And make sure you also check back in on Sunday- a new/fabulous Style in 7 will be up!!

