My House...Some Pictures and 20 Questions

Good Monday morning all.

I've got some pictures of my living room and foyer...I've decided it's been too long since I showed you what's been happening in the old homestead...and I need your help making some decisions.

First the photos...and sorry  in advance for the basic upload- I've been using google documents while I wait for either publisher or keyote and surprise, it's not working today- suckage.'s the narrow/small/uneven shots of my house...

Ok...question number one.

The pinky/orangy chairs in the living room...I replaced the rosewood ones that were there before with these (they used to be in the master)...

I love them as they are but that vintage velvet has seen better days so...I'd love to re-upholster in faux this:

Any other ideas?

Next...a console table is being added behind me sofa.

I've purchased this:

and am having it gold leafed...just you wait- it's going to be SO pretty.
{Thanks to Meredith for sourcing out this beauty and for the gold leaf idea- brilliant!}

Question- since it's behind my sofa and in the middle of the room, would you put a pair of lamps on it or no?

Moving on...the new/vintage mirrors in the hallway.

Leave as is or paint and if so, what colour?

And since we're on the topic of the foyer...I need lighting advice.

I bought these vintage black and white beauties that I can easily have made into pendants..

But...I'm a little worried that there will be too much black and white so alternatively, I'll use them in the downstairs hallway and get one of these for the foyer...

In a perfect world, I'd get more than one of these chandy goddesses but I do have a child to put through university in T- 6 months (PS- holys shit) so one would be my limit and even that would have to wait for a while.

Would love to hear your thoughts on above.

Thank you/luv you!

Oh and one more thing...I have to show you a picture of Jenny's painting in it's new home...

more photos of my bedroom/upsairs next week...

Also coming up soon, photos of a little/giant curtain transformation happening as we speak in the living room...think pink and gold people;)

