MOPR Promos

Happy Friday MTG Peeps,

As it is Friday, we suggest that after school / work / whatever, you collect your Magic the Gathering deck and make tracks to your local store.  Unfortunately, we won't be able to get to our local store (OMG! Games in Barrie), as we have to go to a birthday party - this sucks - and we really can't get out of it as it happens to be our birthdays we are celebrating.

Anywhoos - onto to today's post to MTG Realm.
You may recall yesterday's post which we did a round-up of new Magic the Gathering Online (MTGO) card arts with the last server update.  Well we got a few eMails from readers asking why we don't do more MTGO posts.  We would like to but our laptop was purchased waaay back in 2005 (the year Hurricane Katrina devastated the City of New Orleans) and we sink spare cash into the cardboard collection.  This still does not mean we are unable to report of cool new dvelopments happening on MTGO.  So - for the folks who told us MOAR MTGO - here's a post about MOPR . . .

The Magic: The Gathering Online Player Rewards program (MOPR) offers players the chance to earn digital promo cards for their monthly Magic Online activity.  These slick digital promotional cards are added directly to your Magic Online account.

For the April 2012 season, (March 28 to April 25), players who received Tier 1 and 2 cards got alternate art Time Spiral basic land cards.

For the March 2012 season, (February 29 to March 28), and  February 2012 season, (January 25 to February 29)  players who received Tier 1 and 2 cards scored alternate art Mirrodin basic land cards.
Finally - some other digital eye candy for online gamers who love Magic the Gathering . . . depending upon which level you hit you scored these MOPR promos April, March, or February respectively.