Happy Thursday MTG peeps,There is just over a week left before the Avacyn Restored spoilers / previews begin on April 9th on the Mothership which means we here at MTG Realm will be rather busy keeping up with the latest new Magic the Gathering Cards and delivering daily posts to you the reader. On April 7th though, we should be getting an early sneak peek during the PAX East (Penny Arcard Expo) taking place in Boston. Here's some juice from Wizards :
Come and talk with the Magic creative team and get insight the world of Magic. Get a preview of the new Avacyn Restored expansion and much more. You'll see new art, new cards, and you'll even have a chance to pick up some Magic swag!
Onto today's post topic titled 'New MTGO Arts'. Magic the Gathering Online (or MTGO) is the most popular place for gamers to sling virtual MTG cards and if you have an internet connection and love this card game, chances are you are likely playing nearly every day. Anywhoos - Forum user Niabock has giving a rundown of new card art files with the last update. It is thought to be new promos or perhaps product (Cube, etc.) and not likely (but not impossible) to see cardboard print as a promo or an upcoming set. Let's have a looky-see -
The arts are all very cool and most may be reprints as some suggest the following names : Badlands, Bayou, Savannah, Taiga, Volcanic Island, Plateau, Scrubland, Tropical Island, Tundra, Karakas, Control Magic, Reliquary Tower, Hydroblast, Pyroblast, Rampant Growth, Zuran Orb, Incinerate, etc.