Kijiji Kicks Bum...

Morning Afternoon...sorry for the late post..I was out of the house at 6:30 a.m. so let's just say I didn't quite have the time or the inclination to get my blog post ass in gear.

I'll fill you in tomorrow on where I was...for now, I'll tease you with a few small glimpses of the magic...

...and add one some caveat...holy shit I love luxury.

Moving on...for now.

I was so happy to read (after yesterday's post) that you all like my new 'Project Scarlett' plan...the wallpaper was officially ordered yesterday so there's no turning back.

I also emailed the pink Craigslist sofa dude like a zillion times and finally heard back last's still for sale and it's still cheap Mc cheapersons.

Great news.

Even better though, finding it actually set a Craigslist/Kijiji revival into full action speed.

I think I spent 4 hours perusing the local wares last night...and boy or boy did I find some goodies...and this is where you come in.

Tell me which ones I need.

First, Project revealed yesterday, this is the plan...

As you can see, the Craigslist original sofa is on the board...


...since then, I've also found these three contenders...

(I'd paint out the wood on this or white)

(the loveseat on the right, not the sofa...I'm hoping it comes wreathless;)  And sorry for the crap photo...darn Kijiji non-bloggers)

(I think it's my fave)

(would paint the wood gold on this one)

Kijiji: 2 matching love seats and antique love seat

Assuming all are priced the same, which basically they are...and by the same, I mean practically free...which one should I choose?

One thing to consider, the sofa will be going in a window nook which is about 9' wide...curtain panels will be hanging you prefer the idea of a smaller settee/loveseat one or a sofa?  The later all measure about 7.5'.

I also found a few chandy possibilities...


Kijiji: Chandelier

#2...100 bones...

Kijiji: Chandelier for sale

#3...quite a few more dineros but still a smashing deal...and I love how the glass sort of mimics the flowers shape of the wallpaper...

#4...same price as choice #2...


...I definitely prefer the bottom too but I'm splurging on wallpaper and the wardrobe so...what say you?

Oh and one more thing...this piece of glamazonia was also discovered...

Kijiji: Brass & Glass Unique Coffee Table

 ...and I literally spent half the night trying (ever so desperately I might add) to figure out a place I could put it...PS, damn my smallish house that can't house this ridiculously awesome table...damn the fact that I already have too many brass/ceramic animals...damn, damn, damn. you can see, your help is needed.

Ta/Thanks/Gracias in advance.
