Moar Modern Masters

Happy Tuesday MTG peeps,

We here at MTG Realm are once again onto the latest 'n' greatest spoilers, leaks and previews from Modern Masters but first need to let all our readers know that finally (after a very long wait), Wizards of the Coast and Doug Beyer finally have the third and last eBook installment 'Dragon's Maze: The Secretist Part 3' up on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  We'll be giving it a read this weekend when get some down time and provide an article (no spoilers though) perhaps on Monday.  Swing on over to Doug's Tumblr, A Voice for Vorthos and drop him some comments.

Anywhoos - as today's post title indicates, MOAR Modern Masters!  We've gotta say that if we were just a bit excited a few weeks ago, we definitely are off the hook now and are looking for a variety of Modern format cards at MTG Mint Card to compliment all the very slick awesomeness on its way to a store near you on 7th June.

Anywhoos - we have a bunch of unorganized Modern Masters card images to whet your appetite.  WARNING - Some of these are not official, so drop by the Mothersite as they get previewed.  'Nuff said, inhale deeply, and scroll on through . . .
