If You Want It, Black Rooster It #4

Sorry for the lack of communicado yesterday...as I mentioned in
Monday's 'Dream House Diaries' post, we had a big bank meeting for #projectdreamhome yesterday.

As for updates on that front, nothing is official yet but it looks like this building a house thing is looking like a real possibility.

I'm meeting with my architect bestie today to discuss plans...stay tuned and keep crossing fingers for me please:)))

In the meantime, it's Wednesday, which of course means...


For today's efforts, I've picked a moody masculine space, done by the uber fabulous Commune Design...

And here's how you make that sweller than swell shizzle happen, thanks to 

candle sticks (available through BRD)
rug (available through BRD)

So there you have it again...proof that any fabulous space can easily be put together thanks to just one online destination...high fives Black Rooster.
