The Dream House Diaries #2

So...after a long weekend of talking out all the options, the dream house possibility is seeming like it MIGHT actually happen...we're meeting with our banker tomorrow to figure out our options and are thinking that what we really want to do is actually keep our existing house and rent it, rather than selling...this of course totally depends on if we can actually afford to do this, which we won't know for sure until tomorrow. the meantime, my mind is on hyper overdrive thinking about the possibilities...which leads me to the second edition of...

When I think of my dream home, there's a couple of things I know I want...3 to be exact...high ceilings, lots of moulding work and herringbone floors...I want the house to feel like an old Parisian apartment, but with super modern finishings/furnishings.

Something like this...

Adore this exact floor...colour and pattern...and I want to make out with the ceiling detail...the antique interior doors are also aces...

Would love one room on the mainfloor to be dark like this guy...thinking a pocket door space that would be a playroom for now and perhaps a formal dining room down the road...

The ceiling work, double doors and beautiful floors in this place are perfect...

Floors, walls and architectural salvage = what I want...

Crazy high ceilings and such a good mix...

This is a little too perfect for what I'm after but I love the idea of some curved arches and I like the tone of the wood...

And speaking of arches...wabam...

White walls, moulding and floors WILL happen...

...and I might die if some round arched windows could be added to the mix...this exact place actually, would be perfect- adore the moulding, colour of the floor, layout ( I want walls in the new place- no more totally open concept for this cat)'s everything...

...and as an aside, there will totally be some huge scale modern art for contrast and goodness...

I like the ceiling detail mixed with modern fireplace and furniture...

Oh floor to ceiling Parisian I love thee...

Love, love the ceiling in this place and am still a sucker for some dark window action...

And finally,  had to include this one...miss my sweet pup...she would have looked so pretty in the dream house...

And with that, I think you probably get the idea of what I'm after with this place...pleeeeeeassse cross your fingers that we get to make this thing happen.
