If You Want It, Black Rooster It #8...and Some Wish List Goodness

Sorry for the lateness with this.

I'm actually working on 6 e-design projects right now so things are a wee bit busy.

Also, my powerpoint went bananas this morning so I'm just a little behind.

The good news is that it's time for...

...and today, we're making this gorgeously neutral/layered space by Daniel Romualdez...

...come to life with this Black Rooster stuff...

And in other good news territory, I stumbled upon what I think might just end up being my dining room chairs last night while doing some client sourcing.

I think my husband might throw me out the window if I buy anything before even a sketch of the house is done but you know how it works with vintage stuff...these beauties might be gone if I wait.

And well, I'm thinking they're pretty perfect with the 219 table I've been lusting over...

Leather scuptural goodness...yes, yes and yes.

While searching, I also landed on these beauties...

1970's set of brass dining room chairs image 3


Oh and these lovelies too...

This new house thing is going to be dan-jur-us.


I've got to run...kids are in camp from 9-12 and holy balls, the 3 hours passes quickly...time sure does fly when the baby's napping and kids aren't home;)
