One Thing

{Prologue...this is going to be a short post...there is only one thing on my mind at the moment...see below...and I'm having trouble focussing on anything else...I apologize...will make it up to you tomorrow;}

Scratch all stuff I posted yesterday...still love all of it but I came across something at 6am this morning (thanks to WILDFOX) that has replaced everything on the list and is now, the singular addition that HAS to happen in my living room.

Well...I still want the chandelier too...the 3rd one down on my list.

But this/these...

as in those pink and gold hooded chairs...tell me those don't have to be in my living room...tell me you've never set of chairs more perfect for yours truly... 

They HAVE to be owned by moi.



I'm going to find a way.


And if any of you happen to come across a pair of vintage hoodies that aren't like a bazillion dollars, please let me know.

