All I Want for Christmas...

It's holiday time...which means it's time to start thinking about prezzies.

In the next month, I'll be featuring compilations of the pretties on my list...

a little jewelry...a little art...a little wallpaper...a little gold...etc. etc.

I thought with it being US Thanksgiving, it was as good a time as any to start the fun so....

is a piece of Erickson Beamon jewelry.

Tres fantastique no?

On a completely different note...please think happy thoughts today for my little pooch Lola.

Our trip to the vet on Tuesday turned up more than a sore paw {hence my absense yesterday- moi...sad and trying to process the news}...she's being operated on as we speak and we'll know more next week but for now, please just send her positive 'doggy be well' vibes.

Thank you.

Happy turkey day my US friends.

