House Updates {PKG and my Little Dude's Room}

Some rather glorious things have happened around chez Bijou these past few days.

For one, Meredith {who PS, continues to amaze me with her glorious talent on an hourly basis} came by on Friday to deliver some art fantastic to #PKG.

I give you Griffin and Wong hand painted silk chinoiserie fabulousity...

And because I definitely owe you some kitchen photos, a little sneak peek of the gorgeous panels all hung up...

I know, I know...a total tease.

I'm sorry.

More soon- promise, promise.

In the meantime, I have to show you some more of the brilliance that is Griffin and Wong's portfolio.

And a few installations...PS, I'd give up most things for an entire room plastered in this beautiousness...


Now, on to the second happy house addition.

I'd like to officially announce that my 3 year old now has a bed.

And it's glorious.

I want it for myself's a cocoon.

I bought the bed from my favourite local antique shop...Turner Chapel Antiques.

My friends think it's funny that when I tell my kids we're going out, the first thing they ask is if we're going to the antique place...perhaps this happens because I've been frequenting this shop nirvana about twice a week for the past few months.
It's just REALLY fabulous.

I bought the bed for $300...yes you heard that right.
It's a 200 year old solid pine bed from Germany...with all it's chips, and nicks and's my definition of perfection.

And the best part, it has those amazingly giant side rails that mean my 3 year old isn't rolling out of it anytime soon.

As well, it's almost a standard twin (just a few inches short,) which is almost impossible to find in an antique bed...all we had to do was have a piece of MDF cut to size for the matress to sit on...we bought an IKEA foam matress that was able to squish in more than a standard one could and voila...bed heaven.

As you can see, I also added Instagram to the mix over the weekend...can you save LOVE IT!!!

Just to finish off this very long post...a few pictures of our roadtrip to teenager concert/my parents house...

Scarlett and Lola.

 Malcolm {with his new 'boy' haircut that I'm not at all sure about- so sad that all his baby curls are gone...combine this with us taking apart his crib last night...crying mommy} and teenager Natasha hiding in the third row.


Fun picture taking.

And with that, I'm off.

I have a little DIY project {that PS, I'm not doing myself} happening today.

It involves a trip to a IKEA and then a visit to Beresford Inc...more on that soon.

Kisses etc.

