
Hair is done.

I'm not blonde anymore.

And here's the good news...so far (and it's only been 12 hours so things could chage) I kind of maybe, sort of love it...makes me feel kind of bad ass.

It's got me thinking about punchy stuff that's a little different from the norm...because god knows, after 30 years of blonde hair, this new do is most certainly a whole different can of kidney beans for me.

Here's what I mean...

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It's not everyday that you see a large brass gazelle holding a red velvet purse...and PS, I still NEED a brass animal...and when I say need, I mean it...gazelle gods...hope you're listening...I wouldn't mind the purse either.

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Moldings...I don't have to say anything more about that.

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Chrome bed...ah-maaazing art...schwing!

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Hotness and sex..that is all.

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With a name like Lulie Wallace and the talent to paint a picture like the one above, me be loving her hard.
I. MUST. OWN. THIS. PAINTING...I probably can't but wow...the colour and roughness of it...pretty and ugly all mushed together in a gorgeous art fantastica...love.

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Why on god's green earth would you have a boring white bookcase when it can be hot pink and blue?
Crushing on this hard and PS, a certain master closet might be getting something a little apropos of this very soonly:)

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If I could marry floors and moldings, it would be these.
And if only I could speak french...I'd so rip the family from their comfy beds and move to Paris...just for the apartment bliss.

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Ridonk modern kitchen, antique fireplace, hood...gah.

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And since we're on the kitchen front...let's discuss this...aside from the white gloss/brass House and Home favourite and my own #pkg, this is definitely a top 3 all time favourite kitchen...that hood makes me weep...as does all that black millwork.

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Perhaps a little over the top for this cat but for realz...stuff to learn here...emerald velvet, floors, mirrored cabinets...check and check.

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All. of. it.

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Twin chionoise day beds in a living room...yes thank you please.

Nicole Cohen {edit...the hair dye must have affected my brain - I originally posted the bloody wrong shot- sorry Nicole...this one is what I had meant...and PS, it's more gorgeous than the first;you're my hero for hand painting that fabulous on the walls...sort of want to try something similar in my playroom area...maybe in pink?

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Black and white giant houndstooth, in pussybow blouse form..yup.

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Oh Daphne Guinness...your mirrors, cray art and red velvet make me feel all warm and gushy inside.

And since my parents don't have Twitter or Instagram, I must end this drama parade with the 'after' shot of my attempt to jump the normal ship...

And mom...I know you're reading this and your ticker tape is saying "eee...it's awful dark" ...don't worry...it's a little brighter/lighter in real life;)

So what say the rest of you...do you like a little 'out of the norm' in your house...space...life?

I'm embracing...hard.

