It Happened....

Well boys and girls, it's official...#projectkitchengorgeous has been shot.

And what a shoot it was.

Thanks to the amazing team at Style at Home magazine, my beloved kitchen actually found a way to get pinker and prettier...I actually recall saying this mid-shoot to Meredith, as I literally tried to pick my jaw up off the floor...incredible.

The inspiring styling was done by the incredibly talented, Tara Ballantyne...this girl literally blew me away.

I knew I adored her the second she walked in with every pink flower known to man, a palate of homemade cupcakes, buckets of shiny accessories and a bevvy of pastel confectioneries...almost more pretty than I could comprehend.

Watching the photographer, Donna Griffith actually take the pictures, was also a true delight...such an experience to witness a true artist at work.

Meredith and I practically hung off of the computer screen, as her photographs appeared one by one...the attention to even the smallest detail, and the patience with which she waited for the absolute perfect shot...nothing to say but brilliant.

I literally can not wait for you all to see how Donna's amazing talent brought our little kitchen project life...her photographs honestly elevated an already pretty amazing space, to a place that I think, truly deserves it's spot in the spotlight.

A huge thank you as well to Ann Marie Favot, design editor extraordinaire...her vision of each shot and the story that will be #pkg, truly made the day one I will never forget.

I feel beyond honoured that our little project will grace the pages of one of my absolute favourite design magazines...and might even be lucky enough to grace the COVER..holy pancakes!

Style at Home...I thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart.

And of course, I have to say a very special thanks to the incredible Meredith Heron.

It's hard for me to believe that it has only been mere months since we met over Twitter, as I desperately reached out for help with my kitchen.

I feel so infinitely blessed to have had the chance to collaborate, share, and observe such a talent...Meredith took my vision and elevated it to a place I never knew it could go.

The word designer seems wholly inadequate in her case...Meredith truly is a maker of dreams and I count myself VERY lucky to have been her client...and even more so to be now count us as friends.

I'd be remiss if I didn't also send a huge warm hug to the suppliers and trades that provided us with such amazingly beautiful things to work with...Electrolux, Brizo, Griffin and Wong, Weaver and Loom....thank you, thank you.

And lastly, by certainly not least, a love filled barrel of gratitude to all of you...the incredible support you've all had for out little kitchen project has meant the absolute world to Meredith and I.

Our palpable excitement about sharing #PKG is in huge part, because of you....thank you for being so infinitely patient, for always encouraging and supporting, and for sharing this amazing journey with you to the moon for it.

I've also VERY excited to share that photographs of the rest of my house might also be be coming to a certain fabulous magazine near you soon....

stay tuned.

Oh and speaking of tuning, I promised a little TV reminder.

My little small screen debut is today on CBC (check listings in the US for network/time...I've heard it shows on the Live Well Network?) at 2pm EST....eek!!!

Hearts, kisses, thanks and piles gratitude.

