Congratulations and a Sale

I've got a few announcements today...all good;)

Firstly, I feel compelled to tell you about a little giant sale that's happening...this news will apply mostly to peeps in the GTA area BUT I'll add a cravat after the few snapshots...

This store is one of my local ABSOLUTE's filled to the brim with gold goodness...lots of ornate French pretty and those quirkly little finds that make a house come to life.

Happily, an online store will be happening soon but in the meantime, us locals get to enjoy a huuuuuge sale that has most things in the store priced at 50% off...yes you read that right...half price!

If you're currently looking for vintage baby finds, your luck is even better...75% off for you!

Happy, happy.

I was there yesterday and came home with these...

Now I know they perhaps are not everyone's cup of tea but just think of them in a little girl's room paired with  that Nina Campbell wallpaper...yum to the yum!  And PS, they're HUGE...almost half the height of her wall...adore.

I was also lucky enough to find this little beaut...

Black and gold ceramic head...yes please.

Now...if you are reading this from far away thinking WTF...this is of NO help to me...I'm at your service.

If there's some antique you're just dying to have, email me and I'll see if the shop owner has it...I'll even send you a photo and help with the shipping...yes, I know...I'm swell.

For those of you who can shop in can be found at 114 Kerr St...just off  of Lakeshore Rd. in downtown Oakville...the sale will run for two weeks and the store is open 7 days a week...plenty of time for some solid purchasing.

Now...on to news #2.

It's time to announce the winner of my Three Bird Nest giveaway....


lucky #6....Megan of The Nola Ruth!!!

Please shoot me your email address and the $25 code is yours to shop with:)

And with that, I wish you all a happy Sunday...the sun is out here again and it's truly feeling very much like spring...bliss;)

